Environmental, Social and Governance

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It refers to the three key factors used to measure the sustainability and societal impact of an organization and create a framework for activities.

Environmental: This aspect focuses on how a company performs as a steward for the planet. For Extra MSA Group it captures our response to climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, the loss of biodiversity and nature, pollution, and the use of natural resources.

Social: This aspect examines how a company manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. It includes issues like diversity, equality and inclusion, working conditions, health and safety, and employee and community engagement.

Governance: This aspect looks at the internal system of practices, controls, and procedures a company adopts to govern itself, make effective decisions, comply with the law, and meet the needs of external stakeholders. It includes elements like bribery and corruption, board composition, executive compensation, cyber security and privacy controls.


Exterior view of a modern extra supermarket with arched wooden canopy, featuring parked cars and shoppers on a sunny day.

Our Material ESG Issues

In 2024, we undertook a double materiality assessment to identify what our material ESG themes are. This allows us to focus on where to amplify our sustainability efforts.

Our ESG Framework


Giving our customers the energy to continue their journey

  • Electric Vehicle Charging
  • Customer Wellbeing
  • Operational Waste


Growing the talents and skills of our people and communities​


  • Health and Safety
  • Skills and Employment
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Culture



Building and operating places with a positive environmental impact


  • Operational Carbon
  • Embodied Carbon
  • Nature


Energising Journeys

Electric Vehicle Charging


Our electric vehicle (EV) chargers represent a cornerstone in our commitment to environmental sustainability and the UK’s zero emission vehicle mandate.


The Government set a target for at least six high powered chargers, ranging between 150 – 350 kilowatts (kW), at every motorway service area in England by the end of 2023.


We partnered with IONITY to install and operate the ultra-rapid charge point network and installed a total of 60 350 kW charging points across our motorway services network at the end of 2023. Exceeding the government target and supplementing the 14 60 kW charging points already in operation.


The increase in electric vehicle charging infrastructure has enabled a total 10,316 tonnes of avoided carbon emissions between 2021 and 2023. Plans are currently in motion to scale delivery of our EV charging network to meet future demand.

Customer Wellbeing


Our motorway service areas are places for our customers to take a break and recuperate before they continue their journey.


Our goal is to improve the wellbeing of our customers and reduce the risk of driving accidents.


At the forefront of our wellbeing strategy is the utilisation of outdoor space and have installed children’s play parks across six service areas as well as introduced dog walking paths around balancing ponds and soft landscaping features. Providing this outdoor space is critical for our customers’ wellbeing, providing access to natural light and the opportunity to exercise and refresh.


This has contributed to the Motorway Service User Survey rating Extra Services with the highest overall customer satisfaction score across motorway service area operators in 2022 and 2023.

Operation Waste


Our comprehensive recycling programme stands as a hallmark of our dedication to environmental conservation. At Extra we care deeply about the impacts waste has on the environment and society, that’s why we have challenged ourselves to tackle this difficult and often ignored issue.


We have a target to achieve 90% in the Zero Waste Index by 2030 (more info)

To meet this target, we must influence how our customers and supply chain behave.


In 2023, we created a working team with key stakeholders to improve our waste practices. Following successful trials of our new back-of-house recycling areas, we have updated our waste facilities across our motorway service areas. The purpose of the new facilities is to incentivise recycling by making it easier for our employees and supply chain. We have also introduced scheduled monthly waste collection services, including specialist paper cup recycling which is now segregated.


With these changes coming into effect, we have increased our recycling rates from 13% in 2022 to 30% in the first half of 2024. We also launched a new Microsoft Power BI platform to monitor progress against our zero waste target and identify areas for improvement.

Our 2024 objectives



Deliver 300 electric vehicle charging points by 2027

We have already delivered nearly 50 chargers accross our locations.

Deliver our first eHGV charging hub

Initial discussion have started across two of our locations regarding the implementation and maintenance of this.

Empowering People

Health and Safety


At Extra, the health and safety of our employees, users and supply chain is paramount to us.


Our goal is always to have zero serious accidents and fatalities at our service areas.


Extra has undergone an extensive review of our risk management processes, with a key focus on contractor management. Our new policy and procedures have examined the responsibilities of Extra MSA and our third-party operators, competencies to undertake the tasks and how projects are monitored and reported. You can find out more in our Management of Contractors Policy. (add link)

Another step forward in our journey to improve Health and safety standards was the launch our digitalised self-inspections application in 2023. This new system has revolutionised how the operations team operates by helping to manage daily tasks, set alerts when checks are behind schedule and providing automatic reporting of failures to speed up resolutions.


Following a review of the changes in 2024, our Public & Employers Liability risk review score increased by +26 percentage points to 76%.

Education and Employment


The expansion of our services and sustainability initiatives has had a profound economic impact on the local communities we serve.


We want our motorway service areas to deliver long-term social value to the local communities where we operate.


Our employment strategy focuses on recruiting local people within a 10-mile radius to the motorway service areas, developing the skills of our workforce and opportunities to progress into management roles.


On average, 300 local jobs are created per motorway service area location, through our own operations and our tenant brands.

Diversity and Inclution


Extra service areas provide a space to everyone, regardless of background and characteristics.


We have set ourselves high standards when it comes to accessibility, and we listen to customer feedback to make our sites welcoming to all.


We have refurbished all our bathroom facilities including new disabled bathrooms, with baby changing facilities being just some of the many features. Multifaith rooms are now included at half of our service areas and Extra MSA Employees have been trained on identifying the needs of users with hidden disabilities.


Our proactive approach is now at the core of our workplace culture, providing a sense of belonging for employees as well as embracing diversity.

Tackling Climate Change

Operational Carbon


The UK built environment is directly responsible for 25% of UK emissions. For Extra MSA, operational carbon represents our largest contribution to greenhouse gas emissions across our full value chain.


Our aim is to reduce operational carbon emissions in line with a science-based approach to limit global temperature change to 1.5 degrees. This means reducing the energy we consume and moving to energy sources which emit less carbon emissions.


The first priority in our energy strategy was to identify energy wastage through the installation of circuit level monitoring, to provide a complete visibility of where we are being consumed and where we can switch off appliances that are not required.

The second was deploying energy efficient equipment, such as LED lighting, and planning the decarbonisation of heating systems.

For residual energy, we have committed to only procuring electricity from renewable sources.


Following a review of the changes in 2024, our Public & Employers Liability risk review score increased by +26 percentage points to 76%.

Embodied Carbon


Embodied carbon from the construction and refurbishment of buildings currently makes up 20% of UK built environment emissions.


Most embodied carbon emissions in construction are produced by concrete and steel, which are core components for most buildings.


At Leeds Skelton Lake, which was developed in 2020, we aimed to deliver an entirely different concept to convention service areas. The design utilised mass timber in conjunction with steel frame for a hybrid structure. This provided a unique aesthetic with 142 exposed glue-laminated timber beams.


The use of timber was key to reducing environmental impact whilst also maintaining high levels of energy efficiency and air tightness. The timber, which was responsibly sourced, acts as carbon sink absorbing carbon as the tree matures and will now be stored in the building. This project is an example of how innovative timber solutions can be meet the climate challenge.



Leeds Skelton Lake services was developed in 2020 and was located adjacent to a bird sanctuary requiring an exception biodiversity strategy.


The aim of the design was to minimise the visual impact on the natural landscape and local wildlife.


The design opted for a unique over sailing undulating green roof. The living roof was planted with wildflower turf and sedum adding to biodiversity of the development. Significant native grassland for invertebrate species was also planted across the site, integrating with cycle paths and nature walks surrounding the site. The vegetation and filtration fabric within the green roof also filter dust and pollution from the rain and air, benefiting the local environment.

The green roof helps to adapt to climate change by capturing and attenuation storm water runoff and minimising the risk of surface water flooding. The green roof protects the roof from extreme temperature changes by reducing the freeze thaw affect in winter and ultra violet (UV) damage in the summer.


The unique roof design and planting strategy has significantly improved biodiversity and habitats whilst meeting the character of the area. The outdoor space along with the RSPB viewing deck provides scenic lakeside views and a relaxing atmosphere for customers.

A photo of people outside celebrating the British transport games

Extra MSA Group is honoured to sponsor the 2024 British Transplant Games for the third consecutive year, showcasing our continued support for this remarkable event.

Since its inception in 1978 by the charity Transplant Sport, the British Transplant Games have played a pivotal role in highlighting the critical need for increased registrations on the NHS Organ Donation Register. This thrilling event not only raises awareness about the importance of organ donation but also promotes open discussions among patients and their families about the transformative impact organ donation can have on lives.

Proud partners of the National Littering Campaign Keep It, Bin it!

The ‘Keep it, Bin it’ campaign is a bold statement of intent to tackle the scourge of littering. Littering is antisocial and unacceptable. It plagues our environment and poisons our wildlife. We know we won’t achieve this ambition by working alone. 

Consent Preferences